Assemble networked sensors.
No coding or soldering required.
SensorWatcher is a data logger software for ESP32 microcontrollers that reads sensor data and sends the measurements to monitoring tools, time series databases, IoT platforms, or your own backend.
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Plug-and-play sensors

Use sensor modules with Grove or Qwiic connectors to assemble devices without soldering. Sensors connected to a board running SensorWatcher will be automatically detected and configured on power-up.

Supported sensors can measure temperature, humidity, pressure, CO2, PM2.5, VOC, NOX, and ambient light level. Check the list of compatible sensors.

Resilient supply chain

Compatible with microcontroller boards and sensor modules from different manufacturers, such as Adafruit, DFRobot, M5stack, Seeed Studio, and Sparkfun, simplifying parts sourcing and repairs.

Adafruit logo DFRobot logo M5Stack logo SeeedStudio logo Sparkfun logo

Backend agnostic

Send measurements to monitoring tools, time series databases, IoT platforms, or your custom backend using HTTP or MQTT. Check the list of supported backend services.

No coding required

There is no need to install an IDE or write and compile code. Microcontroller boards are programmed with pre-built firmware images directly from a web browser, and device configuration is also done in the same way.